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Mark West Pinot Noir 750ML

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Mark West Pinot Noir 750ML is a smooth and fruity red wine originating from the renowned wine regions of California. This wine offers flavors of ripe cherry, raspberry, and subtle hints of vanilla, making it a versatile choice for any occasion.

For optimal enjoyment, we recommend serving Mark West Pinot Noir slightly chilled at around 55°F to 60°F. Pair this wine with grilled salmon, roast chicken, or a variety of soft cheeses to complement its delicate flavors. Store the bottle in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight to preserve its quality.

Product Details

VarietalPinot Noir
Size750 ml
  • Meiomi Pinot Noir Bright 750ML

    Meiomi Pinot Noir Bright 750ML

    Meiomi Pinot Noir Bright 2021 is a delightful wine with notes of cherry, raspberry, and baking spices. Crafted in California, this Pinot Noir offers a smooth and well-balanced taste with a hint of oak. Perfect for those who enjoy a medium-bodied red wine with a fruity finish.

    This versatile wine pairs well with a variety of dishes, including roasted chicken, grilled salmon, or mushroom risotto. It also complements cheeses like Brie or gouda, making it a great choice for entertaining or simply enjoying a delicious meal at home.



  • Ironside Pinot Noir Reserve  2021 750ML

    Ironside Pinot Noir Reserve 2021 750ML

    The Ironside Pinot Noir Reserve 2021 750ML is a top-tier wine known for its rich and complex flavor profile. This Pinot Noir originates from a prestigious wine region, offering notes of dark cherry, plum, and earthy undertones.

    Pair this exquisite wine with roasted duck, grilled salmon, or truffle risotto for a decadent dining experience. Its versatility also makes it a great match for creamy cheeses like Brie or Gruyere.


  • Julia James Pinot Noir 750ML

    Julia James Pinot Noir 750ML

    Julia James Pinot Noir 750ML is a delightful wine originating from the renowned wine region. This Pinot Noir boasts a complex flavor profile with notes of cherries, raspberries, and a hint of spice, making it a versatile choice for any occasion.

    This Pinot Noir pairs wonderfully with a variety of dishes, including roasted duck, grilled salmon, mushroom risotto, or a charcuterie board. Its balanced acidity and medium body make it a perfect complement to a wide range of foods.



  • Banshee Pinot Noir 750ML

    Banshee Pinot Noir 750ML

    Banshee Pinot Noir is a delightful red wine from the renowned wine region of California. This medium-bodied wine boasts flavors of cherry, raspberry, and a hint of spice, with a smooth finish that makes it a versatile choice for any occasion.

    Pair this Pinot Noir with roasted chicken, grilled salmon, or a cheese platter featuring brie or camembert. Its balanced acidity and fruit-forward profile make it a perfect accompaniment to a variety of dishes, enhancing the dining experience with each sip.


  • Elizabeth Spencer Pinot Noir 750ML

    Elizabeth Spencer Pinot Noir 750ML

    The Elizabeth Spencer Pinot Noir 2019 750ML is a delightful red wine with notes of cherry, raspberry, and earthy undertones. This Pinot Noir hails from the renowned wine region of California, known for producing high-quality wines.

    This wine pairs well with a variety of dishes, including grilled salmon, roasted vegetables, and mushroom risotto. For best results, serve slightly chilled at around 55-60°F to fully appreciate the flavors of this elegant wine.


  • Ramsay 2021 Pinot Noir 750ML

    Ramsay 2021 Pinot Noir 750ML

    Introducing Ramsay 2021 Pinot Noir 750ML, a delightful wine with a unique flavor profile. This Pinot Noir hails from the renowned wine-growing region and offers subtle notes of cherry, plum, and earthy tones.

    This versatile wine pairs perfectly with a variety of dishes, including grilled salmon, roasted chicken, or mushroom risotto. The Ramsay 2021 Pinot Noir is also a great complement to charcuterie boards and creamy cheeses.


  • Belle Glos Dairyman 750ML

    Belle Glos Dairyman 750ML

    Belle Glos Dairyman 2021 750ML is a rich and full-bodied wine from the Dairyman vineyard in the Russian River Valley. This Pinot Noir offers flavors of dark cherry, raspberry, and hints of vanilla, with a smooth and velvety texture.

    This wine pairs exceptionally well with roasted duck, grilled salmon, or mushroom risotto. The fruity notes complement the savory flavors of these dishes, making Belle Glos Dairyman 2021 750ML a versatile choice for your next meal.



  • The Prisoner Pinot Noir 750ML

    The Prisoner Pinot Noir 750ML

    The Prisoner Pinot Noir 2021 is a smooth and velvety red wine originating from California. This wine features flavors of ripe cherry, raspberry, and a hint of vanilla, creating a well-balanced and elegant taste profile.

    This Pinot Noir pairs well with a variety of dishes, including roasted duck, grilled salmon, mushroom risotto, or a charcuterie board. Its versatile flavor profile makes it the perfect choice for both casual weeknight dinners and special occasions.



  • Paul Hobbs Crossbarn Pinot Noir 750ML

    Paul Hobbs Crossbarn Pinot Noir 750ML

    The Paul Hobbs Crossbarn Pinot Noir 2019 is a premium wine known for its rich and complex flavor profile. Hailing from the renowned wine region of California, this Pinot Noir offers notes of black cherry, raspberry, and hints of vanilla, with a smooth and elegant finish.

    This versatile wine pairs well with a variety of dishes, such as roasted duck, grilled salmon, or mushroom risotto. It also complements cheese boards featuring aged Gouda or brie. Enjoy this exquisite Pinot Noir with your favorite gourmet meals for a truly unforgettable dining experience.


  • Mark West Black Pinot Noir 750ML

    Mark West Black Pinot Noir 750ML

    Mark West Black Pinot Noir 2021 750ML is a delicious red wine with rich, dark fruit flavors and a smooth finish. This wine is sourced from the renowned Pinot Noir vineyards in California, known for producing high-quality wines with a distinctive taste.

    This Pinot Noir pairs perfectly with dishes like roasted duck, grilled salmon, or mushroom risotto. The bold flavors of the wine complement the savory notes of these dishes, creating a harmonious dining experience.

